The Rogue Rhino

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Big Hearts, Bright Smiles

This is Bro. John Chibalabala. Today, he gave us a tour of Lusaka. Mr. Chibalabala is very gracious and told us many stories. He introduced his truck to us as an "unruly horse." That’s because it is a new truck and Mr. Chibalabala is learning to drive a manual transmission. It’s true, it was a bucking beast, unruly indeed.

Mr. Chibalabala was born in a Zambian village in 1952. He wore his first pair of shoes when he was 14 years old and became the proud owner of his first pair of socks at the age of 18. Today, Mr. Chibalabala is an attorney specializing in corporate law and has his own practice. He credits his survival to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He said that his grandchildren have many of the same opportunities as me. This makes him happy. We talked about the prosperity of America and our country’s seeming indifference to the Gospel. Mr. Chibalabala suggested that, “maybe God makes us poor so that we can see Him.” Indeed, Zambians possess hope. They have big hearts, bright smiles, and a hunger for the Gospel. For that, they are very wealthy.

Mr. Chibalabala also spoke about the many tribes represented throughout Zambia. He said that more than 73 dialects and languages are spoken in his native country! WOW that’s a LOT!

I made a song that has nothing to do with what I am blogging about, but who cares? Ready? 1 and 2 and a 1, 2, 3, I am a dird, dird, dird. I live in a herd, herd, herd. I’m from the ‘ferd, ‘ferd, ‘ferd. DIRDS, YAY! Half dog, half bird PURE-AWSOME-MAGIC-COOL-FRESH-SWAG-STRANGE-BOOLA-UNRULY-CRAZY DIRDS.