The Rogue Rhino

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Waking With Rhinos, Kruger - Part 2

Today was so amazing. I woke up with Rhinos! We left the house early in the morning and started our drive into the park. I have expected not to see any rhinos. Because of poachers, there aren’t many rhinos left in the world. Some people believe that the rhino horn has magical powers. In this area, some people are poor and because the rhino horn is worth so much they become poachers. They kill rhinos, cut off their horns, and sell them illegally. Funny thing about poachers, in the past month there have been two separate poachers eaten by lions. The only remains found of one poacher was his head. The rest of his body had been devoured by lions. Evidently, poaching is dangerous work.

Anyways, we started our drive early and the first animals we came upon were a family of sleeping rhinos! We watched them for a while and then Grandpa woke them up with his wimple-wail whistle. They charged grandpa, and we lost a good man that day. Not really. But they did get up and start moving around. Later grandpa taught me how to do the wimple wail. I haven’t mastered it yet, but with practice I know I can, just got to do that and WAAWAWWAWAWAWWAWAAAAAAwwaaawwaaswa.

We drove around the park for a few hours and saw a bunch more animals. We saw water buffalo, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, bats, bush bucks, kudu, birds, rhinos, crocks, zebras, impalas, tortoises, warthogs, and lots of impalas. No lions today:( No hippos or leopards either:/ Perhaps next week.

Tonight we say farewell to our hosts in South Africa and fly to Zimbabwe.