The Rogue Rhino

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Snow Day at Union Creek and Crater Lake

On Friday afternoon, my family and I went to a mountain cabin to spend the night. Upon arrival we found guests already snuggled into the beds of our cabin: mice! We had to leave because they had made a nest in Mom and Dad's bed and left turds on some of the other beds. So the other cabin was more like a house, but it was really nice. There was a secret passage from the hallway to the bathroom through a cupboard. That was awesome! Margaux, George, Moses, and I had lots of fun playing in the secret passage way. 

While in Union Creek, we played in the snow and shot our bows. I came a whisker away from hitting a bull`s eye; that upset him, so I had to run. At night time, Dad built a crackling fire and Moses and I played Candy Land. Imagine how that ended. We also baked oatmeal cookies and had a dance party. 

In the morning, we built another fire and then went sledding on a giant slope. I almost ran over Moses with my sled. It was a really close miss. Margaux and I also discovered an igloo. It had lots of branches built into the roof. After playing in the snow, we went to Crater Lake. 

When we arrived at Crater Lake, we ate a delicious picnic lunch that Mom had made before we left. We checked out the gift shop and then played in the snow. Margaux and I slid down some embankments in the parking lot and then we made snow angels. After that, I put on giant shoes that made me look like a platypus. Throughout the day I read a book where a chartacter got turned into a walrus. I hope that dosen't happen to me-I'd rather stick with being a platypus.